RxJS v6 is the brand new rewrite of Reactive Extensions for JavaScript. RxJS v6 is optimized for performance, modularity, better debuggable call stacks, and has a simplified API.
Harness the power of RxJS v6 to wrangle tough asynchronous problems using a functional observable stream approach. Let RxJS manage the state for you while you focus on the task at hand.
RxJS is popular in both the React and Angular communities for taming concurrency and dealing with events over time.
Live webinars
From time to time, CodeWinds offers free webinars to help you learn about RxJS v6 and how to get the most out of it. Jeff will explain the power of RxJS and showcase just how to leverage it to clean up your code.
Each hour long webinar will tackle key aspects of getting started with RxJS and will walk you through some of its exciting features.
Subscribe to the CodeWinds Leading Edge member list to be notified about these upcoming live webinars.
Live intensive online workshops

CodeWinds offers premium full day online workshop / class going deeper into RxJS v6 and mastering its power. For professional developers who really want to understand and become confident in using RxJS, this is the course for you.
- Think like a reactive programmer - adjust your mindset to approach problems with a functional and reactive approach
- Learn how to create custom observables
- Learn how the various operators work and how to effectively apply them in your code for managing resources and cleaning up your control flow
- Understand how observables work and why they are the weapon of choice for taming asynchronous events
- Know how to handle errors properly and recover making your cod more resilient
- Comprehend the techniques used in debugging your RxJS code when things aren’t working properly
- Integrate RxJS with React, Angular 2, Node.js, or vanilla JavaScript code
- Hands-on intensive workshop brings you quickly up to speed with first hand experience. Get all your questions answered quickly.
- Join the awesome community of reactive programmers
Subscribe to the CodeWinds Leading Edge member list to be notified about the upcoming live intensive online workshops.
Live private training

If you have a group or team that you would like to receive onsite private training, contact me (jeffnospam@codewinds.com) and we can determine the best approach for your team.
I can customize my workshop to best meet the needs of your team. Spend more time in the areas that you want to focus on. Brainstorm and discuss how to use RxJS functionality in your projects.
RxJS v6 Resources
- RxJS v6 Home - homepage for RxJS v6
- Use RxJS with React - Michal Zalecki describes Observables and how to use RxJS with React
Learn RxJS - examples of common operators
Observable API doc page - a great quick resource to lookup an operator’s documentation
- RxJS Manual - Interactive operator chooser an interactive tool to guide you to the right observable (you might need to click on Choose an Operator to scroll down to the section if it doesn’t scroll automatically)
RxJS Manual - Categories of operators - nice categorization of operators which might help if you know kind of what you want to do
redux-logic - built with RxJS it simplifies the creation of business logic with Redux. You can use it with promites, async/await, or observables.
- redux-observable - use observables with redux
- RxJS for Angular 2 - Tutorial about using RxJS with Angular 2
- Stepping into the next level with RxJS in Angular 2 - Oren Farhi tutorial
- Building hacker news with Angular 2 cli, RxJS, and Webpack - tutorial
RxJS v6 Videos
- RxJS Evolved - Paul Taylor at Reactive 2015
- Thinking Reactively - Ben Lesh at AngularConnect
- RxJS 5 in-depth - Gerard Sans - Explore Observables API using RxJS koans and unit tests
To learn more / CodeWinds RxJS Training
Subscribe to the CodeWinds Leading Edge member list to stay up to date on the latest in RxJS, learn about free RxJS webinars, and get exclusive offers on CodeWinds RxJS training classes and courses.