CW 013 : Reflections of JSConf 2014 - Part 2
Continuing recap of the JavaScript conference with Kevin Old - JSConf 2014, Amelia Island, FL
Kevin Old and Jeff continue discussing the uniqueness of JSConf 2014 and highlight some of their favorite talks

Episode Info
- Episode: CW 013
- Published: September 22nd, 2014
- Tags: nodejs, js,jsconf
- Duration: 42:54
Episode Notes
- 01:42 - Nodevember Node.js and JavaScript Conference coming November 15-16, Nashville, TN
- 04:40 - Day of Activities at JSConf 2014
- 05:07 - NodeBots, NodeCopters, NodeRockets, NodeBoats
- 11:43 - Golf Tournament sponsored by NodeSource
- 13:04 - Kayaking, Scavenger Hunt, Segway tour of Amelia Island
- 13:46 - Guy Bedford - Package Management for ES6 Modules (SystemJS,
- 19:43 - Jordan Matthiesen - Modern mobile app tool-chains
- 23:08 - Ryan Florence - Embularactymerbone
- 27:30 - Forrest Norvell - Learning ES6 as a Community
- 30:35 - Spike Brehm - Building Isomorphic Apps
- 33:00 - Bodil Stokke - Reactive Game Development for the Discerning Hipster
- 34:00 - Kassandra Perch - Modular Application Architecture in Javascript
- 34:40 - Kawandeep Virdee - Open Web Art: JavaScript for Interactive, Collaborative, and Hackable Art
- 36:24 - Brian Brennan - Being Human
- 38:30 - JS Family pic via drone
- 38:50 - Final thoughts about JSConf 2014