“You are not just a number to me.
I'll be there to help you succeed in learning React.js”
CodeWinds React.js Fundamentals
The premier online course and community where you learn React.js by pragmatically building a real web app while applying TDD/BDD principles
Expert Training + Online Freedom + Personal Mentoring + Learning Community
“The React.js Fundamentals course is of the upmost quality. The depth of knowledge and attention to detail in each of the lessons is unsurpassed by any other course I have seen on the topic.”
- Wyatt Preul, Software Architect, nearForm
“The React.js Fundamentals course produced by Jeff at CodeWinds is superb! It is a major boost to any developer coming up to speed with React. Jeff presents the concepts in an incremental approach offering detailed explanations when necessary. The courses are perfect for both absolute beginners as well as seasoned developers.All skill levels will walk away from this course with at least a few lessons learned, if not many.
Highly recommended!”- Kevin Old, Senior Software Engineer
“Jeff made me a React believer! Coming from an Angular-1 background, React was quite a revelation ... Jeff's course is a very thorough and well-thought-out approach to learning React. You start with the basics, quickly seeing results (initially with CDN)that provides positive reinforcement.
Overall I would give this React.js course a 4-star thumbs up!”- Kevin Bridges - Senior Technical Consultant at Applied Software
React.js brings opportunities
React.js is one of the most valuable skills you can acquire today. It is a game changer in our industry enabling you to rapidly build dynamic web applications that are resilient, elegant, performant, and maintainable. From there if you want to branch out to building iOS and Android apps, then the skills you learned in this React.js course will prepare you to learn React Native (in a forthcoming CodeWinds course), the opportunities continue to grow. Mastering React.js will open new doors inside or outside of your company and will help you to select projects which you will truly enjoy to be a part of.
Step-by-step feature based development using test driven principles.
- React.js Fundamentals video training 7 part course with 48 HD videos for over 3.5 hours of video content using the latest version of React.js v15
- Learn by building a real application in a test driven feature based fashion (TDD/BDD)
- React.js Learning Community - The CodeWinds private online community for React.js available 24/7 for real-time discussions
- Lifetime streaming access with variable playback rate and quick navigation for jumping forward and back with mouse or keyboard
- Project code, notes, and transcripts
- Homework challenges to further your skills so you can learn by doing
- Offline use with downloadable DRM-free mp4 videos (Professional/Enterprise bundles only) (licensed for individual use)
- Personal Review + Coaching Feedback on your Homework (Professional/Enterprise bundles only)
- 1 hr Phone/Video Consulting (Enterprise bundle only)
- Certificate of Course Completion (Enterprise bundle only)
“You'll get my personal commitment and oversight to keep you on track learning and utilizing these skills. It's my commitment to you that you'll learn to use React.js effectively....or I'll refund your money in full!”
- Jeff Barczewski - CodeWinds React.js Instructor
What you will learn
- How to build a React.js app feature by feature in a test driven fashion
- Rapidly build reusable components with the latest version of React.js v15
- JSX - simple yet more powerful than a template language
- Write better functional React.js code that minimizes the use of mutable state
- Create components that communicate and can react to state change
- Setup and configure a local auto-building developer environment
- Create a catalog to display dynamic data from REST application in a single page application
- Build a shopping cart that accurately calculates and formats currency
- Develop a checkout form that validates input and displays errors
- Create automated BDD style unit tests for React.js components with Karma and Mocha
- Learn to leverage the latest ES6/7 features with React.js using the Babel transpiler while still remaining compatible with ES5 browsers
- Structuring your code in modules to improve reuse and maintainability
Who is this for
- JavaScript developers who want to upgrade their skills to open new doors
- Web developers and designers looking to efficiently learn React.js
- Those who want to become effective at using React.js to build web applications and like to learn by a comprehensive, step-by-step approach.
- Developers and designers who have used jQuery but would like to simplify their code with a modern declarative view library
- Developers who are looking to add dynamic real-time or interactive updates to their webpages
- Those who have found the learning curve for other frameworks like AngularJS or Ember.js to be somewhat steep knowing there must be simpler ways
- Those who are interested in learning skills that not only apply to dynamic web apps but also form the precursor for learning to build native (iOS, Android) apps using React Native.
- Anyone who wants to grow in their JavaScript skills and have more fun building web apps
the @codewinds react training is fantastic! https://t.co/sCRvaeaYwn
— LinuxHermit (@jasonamyers) May 15, 2016
Go check out @jeffbski's course on learning React. https://t.co/WHLW5ZDemI If there's anyone to learn from, it'd be him!
— Zach Silveira (@zachcodes) April 29, 2016
CodeWinds was the first podcast that ever covered React (back when everyone hated it!) https://t.co/P0DB5e5kdm
— Pete Hunt (@floydophone) April 29, 2016
Looking to learn React? @jeffbski launched his course today, go check it out! https://t.co/YXKNdd6EHN
— ReactJS News (@ReactJSNews) April 29, 2016
Learning Community and Coaching Package Bundles
<img class=”communitySmallerRight” src=”/media/course/cw-community.png” “CodeWinds Community” alt=”CodeWinds Community” title=”CodeWinds Community”/>
- Real-time discussion forum and chat
- Rich, persistant, and searchable
- Connect directly with me (1 to 1)
- Learn from others
- Join into the discussion later
Since I know the motivational and intrinsic value of being a part of a community while learning, I’ve created three packages which bundle varying levels of community access and additional coaching/mentoring so you can purchase exactly what you need. Community access can be renewed to accommodate longer term needs.

If for any reason you are not delighted with your purchase, simply contact me and you will be promptly be given a full refund... No questions asked!
- Lifetime Access to React.js Course
- Project Code, Notes, Transcripts
- Homework Challenges
- 1 Month Access CodeWinds Community
- Offline use - download videos
- Personal Critique Plus Feedback of Homework
- 1 Hour Phone/Video Consulting
- Certificate of Course Completion
- Lifetime Access to React.js Course
- Project Code, Notes, Transcripts
- Homework Challenges
- 2 Months Access CodeWinds Community
- Offline use - download videos
- Personal Critique Plus Feedback of Homework
- 1 Hour Phone/Video Consulting
- Certificate of Course Completion
- Lifetime Access to React.js Course
- Project Code, Notes, Transcripts
- Homework Challenges
- 4 Months Access CodeWinds Community
- Offline use - download videos
- Personal Critique Plus Feedback of Homework
- 1 Hour Phone/Video Consulting
- Certificate of Course Completion
Need financial assistance? Partial and full scholarships are available for those in need, email me (jeffnospam@codewinds.com) with your specific details.
How is this course different from other online React.js courses?
- This is a step by step project based course which builds a real working app using test driven principles (TDD/BDD). I teach and build apps with an incremental approach that reinforces the skills as you proceed.
- React.js is taught using the latest recommended practices and the course is updated as new versions are released. Upated for React.js v15.
- In this course I provide and explain the configuration for an auto building development environment which is essential for productivity.
- This course is bundled with access to an exclusive online learning community where you will connect with instructors and students for help and encouragement during the course and beyond (mentoring and consulting for applying React.js to your own real world projects).
- The online community is delivered with a real-time discussion forum that allows for searchable rich persistent conversations. If you have ever tried to follow conversations in a chat application, you’ll appreciate the ability to have separate threaded conversations which are easy to follow and can become the basis for additional discussion.
- This course provides homework challenges in addition to the project which help solidify your skills. Professional and Enterprise packages also include personal review and feedback for your homework helping you to know you are using React.js properly.
- Finally, with this course you have priority access to me, a veteran software engineer, who enjoys teaching and will do everything I can to help you succeed. I want you really understand React.js and know how to apply it appropriately. I’ll be here to coach, mentor, and consult with as you proceed through this course and apply these new skills to your own projects.
Is this course for a specific type or level of developer?
Intermediate JavaScript developers will flourish with this course. The course default pace and tempo should be right in their wheelhouse keeping them engaged and challenged. My base recommendation for this course is that you should have some JavaScript and HTML experience. You are not expected to be an advanced developer, but simply that you are comfortable in using JavaScript and HTML. It would also be beneficial to have some ES6 knowledge and a basic understanding of unit testing with JavaScript. I’ve written the course to be beneficial to all levels of JavaScript developers from beginner to advanced with a sweet spot for the intermediate developer. One advanced member who had been using React.js for over a year, mentioned that he still learned at least 10 important things from taking this course.
Do I have to understand ES6 (ES2015) features?
It would be helpful to have some familiarity with ES6 since the course is taught using the recommended practices of React.js with ES6. I have a brief review of the ES6 features that I use in the course, but if you want to go deeper, I will give you a list of additional resources that would be beneficial.
Do I have to use ES6 to use React.js?
You can use React.js without using ES6, but since most people will be using JSX with React.js, you will have a transpilation step in your dev environment using Babel. Given that you will have Babel in your toolchain, many people will want to start using some ES6 functionality since there are some really compelling features. Babel converts JSX and ES6 code into ES5 code that will run on older browsers, so there’s little reason not to use the newer ES features, especially given how it can improve the code.
Do I have to understand JavaScript testing?
It is useful to understand the basic ideas behind writing JavaScript tests, but the course will discuss a variety of testing frameworks available for testing JavaScript and will demonstrate test creation using Karma, Mocha, and Expect. Most people will be able to pick up the basics simply by following the course material.
Do I need to have any particular OS or tools to use this course?
This course and project code will work on Mac, Windows, and Linux or most anything that supports Node.js. You will need to use the editor of your choice to edit the code, nothing fancy is required. If you are familiar with git then it will be useful as you navigate the code, but there is also an alternative path which doesn’t require it.
Do I need to understand Node.js?
In the course, I walk you through the steps for installing Node.js and the tools we are using for the course to provide an auto build environment. It’s not necessary to have prior Node.js experience. We will use npm (the Node.js package manager) to download and install our JavaScript dependencies. Node.js tools will only be used for development purposes on your machine to generate JavaScript and CSS bundles. Node.js is not needed at runtime or on your servers.
I’m just starting out. Is this right for me?
I’d suggest that if you have some level of comfort using JavaScript and HTML then you can be successful using React.js. If you are just getting started programming or don’t really know JavaScript then you’ll want to get your footing with JavaScript first before taking this course.
How long do I have access to the videos?
Once you have purchased the course, you have perpetual or lifetime access to the videos. So while community access has a time period associated with it (which is renewable), the course videos, notes, code, and transcripts are available with lifetime access. Professional and Enterprise users can download the videos for personal offline use.
Am I allowed to share the videos with my team?
All of the course material including videos, notes, and transcripts are copyrighted and licensed for individual use only, so each team member would need to purchase a copy. Companies with large teams may contact me to discuss a team discount.
What is the structure of the course?
The course is divided into 7 sections:
- Getting Started - Course orientation, Using React.js from CDN to build simple apps
- Environment Setup - Setup a local build environment for effective development and instant feedback
- React.js Components - ES6 review, JSX, render, props, fetching and rendering data, project introduction
- Testing React.js Components - JS testing tools discussed, Karma, Mocha, TDD/BDD
- State, Forms, Events - handling state, creating forms, listening to events, form validation
- Component Reuse - evolution of our project, adjusting components for better reuse, working with currency, sending data, handling keypress events
- Next Steps - finding React.js components, continuing to learn
Each section has a series of short videos (2-10 minutes in length each), notes, project code, transcripts, and some homework challenges. In each section we add features to our course project in a test driven fashion just like you would develop an agile project of your own. At each step of the way we have a working project that continues to grow in features. There are a total of 48 videos which is over 3.5 hours of focused training material explaining not only how to apply React.js but providing an understanding of why.
Is my payment secure?
Yes, we use industry standard SSL to secure the transport and Stripe is handling the payment processing of your credit card. The credit card info goes directly to Stripe and never touches our servers.
What happens after I buy this course?
You will be immediately given links to register for the course and an email receipt will be sent to your inbox. If you are purchasing this for your team members then you may distribute the links to each of the intended recipients so they may instantly register.
Who’s behind this course?

Jeff Barczewski (jeffnospam@codewinds.com) is the founder of CodeWinds and Inspired Horizons, a training and consulting firm based in St. Louis, MO. He is married and has a daughter who is studying broadcast journalism at Mizzou.
In 2015, Jeff taught React.js at JSConf and has delivered talks on Node.js at Nodevember 2014 and 2015.
Prior to starting CodeWinds, he was part of a small team that built the MasterCard foundation for ApplePay and secure tokenized payments via MasterCard Digital Enablement Service. He has also worked at Elsevier, RGA, Navisys, Teralogix, SSE, and consulted with numerous clients worldwide. He served as an officer in the US Air Force from 1989-1993.
Jeff graduated as an Aerospace Engineer from University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. He serves on the service committee for the Archdiocese of St. Louis Catholic Renewal Center and on the board of Genesis Ministry. Jeff is an active member of his parish, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.