CW 012 : Reflections of JSConf 2014 - Part 1
A recap of the JavaScript conference with Kevin Old - JSConf 2014, Amelia Island, FL
Kevin Old and Jeff discuss the uniqueness of JSConf 2014 and highlight some of their favorite talks

Episode Info
- Episode: CW 012
- Published: September 6th, 2014
- Tags: nodejs, js,jsconf
- Duration: 57:34
Episode Notes
- 01:23 - Nodevember Node.js and JavaScript Conference coming November 15-16, Nashville, TN
- 03:15 - JSConf 2014 Venue, Amelia Island, FL, Arriving
- 09:00 - CSSConf, Welcome reception
- 13:03 - Wednesday, first day of JSConf talks
- 15:00 - Neil Green - custom DSL’s in JavaScript
- 15:53 - Ron Evans, CylonJS - controlling hardware with JS, NodeBots, drones
- 22:00 - Tessel - Hardware which runs JS
- 24:45 - Spark Core kit
- 26:30 - Travell Perkins - Battle Hardened Node.js for the Enterprise
- 27:35 - Nico Bevacqua - Front End Ops Tooling, Grunt, Gulp, npm, browserify
- 36:13 - Mark DiMarco - User Interface Alorithms
- 40:25 - Nick Bray - Native Code on the Web
- 41:15 - Ryan Paul - Composing frontend Web applications with MontagsJS
- 45:45 - G. C. Marty - Play DVDs in JS for the sake of interoperability
- 47:40 - James Long - Unshackling JavaScript with Macros, SweetJS, Implemnting some ES6 features with macros
- 50:30 - Marco Rogers - Finding patterns across front-end frameworks
- 53:00 - David Calhoun - Realtime satellite tracking in the browser
- 54:10 - Jenn Schiffer - What’s the harm in sorting: sanitizing inputs for more optimized JavaScript